Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Smart revenge

I have been travelling by BMTC to work for nearly a month now. It is extremely difficult to find a seat in the bus and most of the times I travel standing, being compressed on all sides. (Mohan is interested now I guess)In the mornings however on rare occassions I manage to get a seat . Today was one such day. But as soon as I occupied the seat I realised that the person I was sharing it with was a squirmish and "aggro" sort. First of all he did not allow me to sit comfortably having had hogged as much space as possible, to add to that he kept commenting each time I changed position as the bus negotiated the steep turns. An easy way out would have been to use my own bulk and try to compress him in the slot (Mohan must be really interested now..) but I decided to use my head instead. As I heard in a movie, "Dhai kilo ka sar hai, usmein 100 gram bheja to hoga!!!"( We have a head weighing 2.5 Kgs, there must be at least 100 gms of brain in that).

At the next stop the crowd thinned a bit and a muslim lady entered. She was a very healthy sort, u know what I mean. I generously stood up and offered my seat to her. She sat down heavily and made some space for herself and her protective husband thanked me profusely. For the rest of the journey I had the satisfaction of seeing the "aggro" guy suffer.


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