Monday, November 29, 2004

Good link

Ever wondered where junta forwarding you all those cool clips of advertisements, gets them from? Check out The collection is updated daily. Happy downloading :)

Monday, November 15, 2004

My One Night Stand

In case you are the squeamish type and value your private space a lot then please do not bother to read this blog. After reading this you will become an expert in handling one night or rather all night stands. This is an "as it happened" version and do not hold me responsible for any anxiety that you experience for wanting to have one of yours.

Now that I have whetted your appetite for more, let me also tell you that this whole incident took place in a bus. Yes!! A bus. You know you have sleeper buses, now. The type in which you can sleep and go. You have two floors of narrow beds . Each bed accomodates two. Yes u heard me right. This appears to be the most preposterous thing ever invented. Binu was saying that it is a strange feeling to get up in the morning with the realisation that you had a stranger sharing your bed.

Ahhh.. you say, that's what ur one night stand is all about. "Hmmm.... interesting", you'd say and depending on your adventure,luck levels you'd either rush to make a reservation or would cross off the whole thing as a bad idea. It's definitely not a nice feeling to wake up in the middle of the night and finding a hairy hand stroking you. Brrrrrrrrrrrr....

But lemme interrupt before you go off on a tangent. I did not go in a sleeper bus. It was a crowded, overloaded, creaking, KSRTC semi luxury bus!! There was a lot of physical contact made during that night but I swear it was not voluntary. They were the ones who were falling all over me.

Yes guys... it was them. I mean the fellow passengers, fellow sufferers who were also having their one night stand. I mean we all were going standing in the bus to Davangere. Why standing? There were no seats available that's why. It was Dussehra holidays and there was absolutely no seating available in any of the buses that I enquired on. Hence this was the only option available. We did manage to get one seat however, but I gave that to my wife and braced myself for the unpleasant night.

Einstein's theory of time slowing down came to mind immediately. After what seemed like an eternity being pushed around in the bus, each time when I looked at the watch, it showed that only 5 minutes had passed. The destination being my inlaws' place was not cause for too much enthusiasm either.

For the more optimistic ones amongst you , I hope you have realized by now that there is no "stuff" in this blog. But I can give a few pointers about how to last the "one night stands". This was not the first time that I had to do a night-out. But this was as unpleasant as the ones that were spent in the office. Standing in the bus for 8 hours can be very unpleasant. So here are some points that you need to keep in mind when u promise to take ur wife to her home and do not get the bus-tickets. Trust me, going back home and promising her "we'll go next time" is not an option. I mean not a "safe" option.